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English Intent Statement

Having had access to a wide range of text types, genres and authors through the teaching of reading at All Saints’, children will be able to express preferences and opinions about the texts that they read. We want our children to write with confidence and accuracy for a variety of purposes, audiences and forms whilst developing their own individual flair. Children will have the confidence to be able to write with grammatical accuracy and apply spelling patterns correctly, whilst using a neat handwriting style. Through a variety of texts and genres, we aim to expose our children to a wide range of vocabulary so that they are able to decipher new words and then use them when speaking both informally and formally. 


The teaching of English in school is broken down into Speaking and Listening, Reading, Writing and Phonics.


Phonics is taught in EYFS and KS1 through a discrete 20 minutes session every morning following Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised and this informs much of our teaching of reading, writing and spelling. Please see the phonics page for more information.

Speaking and listening

Speaking and listening are fundamental to a child’s language development and underpin all areas of learning as well as social development. We plan opportunities for teaching/developing these skills across the curriculum to enable children to express themselves clearly and confidently and listen attentively. 


Reading is taught in a number of ways, but initially in KS1 this is largely through a phonics approach. Comprehension skills are also developed alongside phonics to enable our children to become confident, independent readers who read for enjoyment and information every day. Books are sent home on a weekly basis so children can practise their reading skills with a parent/carer. As children develop into fluent readers, there is greater emphasis on developing their comprehension skills: questioning to check their understanding becomes even more important.

Reading comprehension is taught through whole class reading activities, guided reading and through home readers. A ‘Reading for Real’ dialogic approach to reading is used throughout the school, giving children the opportunity to discuss and debate their opinions. Through a variety of texts and genres we aim to expose our children to a wide range of vocabulary so that they are able to decipher new words and then use them when speaking both informally and formally.

We celebrate reading achievements through reading whole school rewards such as certificates and half termly reading raffle prizes.

We are using the Reading Plus program to develop the skills they need to be proficient readers and lifelong learners. Through regular Reading Plus practice, reading will become easier, comprehension will increase, and the children will make meaningful connections between reading and learning.


Writing skills are also developed on a daily basis. We aim to create real, purposeful and engaging contexts for writing; children have opportunities to work independently, in pairs and in small groups with an adult. Children write for a range of purposes and to meet specific audiences, which are identified beforehand. Children are introduced to new text types with an interesting and engaging ‘hook’ before following the writing cycle of: planning, writing, editing/redrafting and publishing. 

Aspects of Talk for Writing are used throughout the school to develop children’s ability to retell stories and other texts. There is much emphasis on spelling, handwriting and grammar as well as composition.The daily English lessons usually include a discrete grammar focus, alongside a focus on high quality oral work and written work linked to the class story or non-fiction focus.

More detailed information on how English is taught in school can be found in the policy documents below 

English Policy          Phonics Policy 

Information regarding how you can support your child with reading and spelling at home can be found in the links below 

Supporting Reading At Home

Supporting Spelling at Home