Welcome to All Saints’ CE Federation Nursery, Hessle
Part of Ebor Academy Trust
We are very proud of our caring and nurturing environment and are delighted to be able to offer a wonderful welcome to All Saints’ Church of England Federation.
Our Nursery is well resourced and benefits from a large fenced outdoor area as well as two large classrooms. Our children are given the freedom to take their learning either inside or outside as we operate a free flow system between the indoor and outdoor environments. Provision areas both indoors and outdoors are planned to ensure children are motivated and engaged whilst providing them with the opportunities to develop their learning. Topics and themes are carefully planned to capture the children’s interest and imaginations and our experienced team work hard to ensure the children are safe, happy and make excellent progress during their time with us. We develop positive relationships with parents through our transition arrangements and home visits and value our parents as partners to ensure the best possible start for your child within our Nursery.
We welcome visits to Nursery and are happy to answer any questions prospective parents may have.
Our Learning journey
- We use an online learning journey called Tapestry to record children’s achievements.
- We document your child’s learning and encourage you to contribute to the document.
- To be able to set you up on Tapestry we will need your email address so please ensure that you provide us with this on your child’s Pupil Registration Form when they start the nursery.
- When your child’s account has been set up you will receive an email. Please bear with us while we are getting to know your children and while we are waiting for all details to be set up on Tapestry.
- If you feel that you don’t want your child to have a Tapestry account please talk to us about this as it is an excellent way for us to communicate with you about your child’s learning and we want to reassure you about it’s use.
If for any reason school has to close for an unexpected and extended period of time, Tapestry is what we will use for remote learning.
All teaching and learning are underpinned by the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. More information on this can be found on the “Early Years Curriculum” page of our website https://allsaints.ebor.academy/eyfs/
Whilst school uniform is not mandatory in the nursery, it is really helpful for school staff to easily identify the nursery children. We do like the children, where possible, to wear the green polo shirt which was designed specifically for our nursery children and which they actually seem to really enjoy wearing
- Green polo shirt (These are available to order from Audrey Mansell which is located on Prestongate in Hessle ).
- Sensible trousers or leggings that children are able to pull up and down themselves for going to the toilet.
- Sensible footwear.
- We encourage children to engage in messy activities and therefore, we suggest that clothes are ones that you are not worried about having paint/glue etc, on them daily!
Spare Clothes
- Please ensure that you provide adequate changes of clothing, and if needed, daily nappies and baby wipes for your child.
- Can we ask that clothing is easy for your child to undo when using the toilet and that as much clothing as possible has your child’s name sewn/written in.
- It is recommended that you do not send your child in new clothes/footwear as paints, crayons, mud, chalk and water feature greatly in early years learning and, as a result of this, clothes and shoes can become messy and/or wet on a daily basis.
Parent Communication
We strongly believe in building up strong relationships with parents and carers, and members of staff will be available to speak to you each day when you drop off and collect your child. Please feel free to speak to us about anything that you feel we need to know about your child – achievements, family news, how they are feeling etc. All of this information is important to us so that we can know and understand your child fully. We love to share news about your child too, so we may pass onto you what they have been doing during the session and what kind of day they have had. We also use Tapestry to communicate electronically with parents to keep you updated.
All children are entitled to 15-hours free early years provision from the term after their third birthday until they reach statutory school age which is the term after their 5th birthday. Children whose families meet the criteria may be entitled to 30-hour funding. We have one main intake, in September, and children can start nursery at the beginning of the term after their 3rd birthday. If we have places available at the beginning of the new term in January or April, parents of children on our waiting list may be contacted with the possibility of their child starting earlier if they wish.
Nursery session times are:
- Morning session – 8.45 am to 11.45 am
- Lunchtime – 11.45 am to 12.30 pm
- Afternoon session – 12.30 to 3.30pm
Both morning and afternoon sessions are 3 hours. We feel we can offer a more balanced curriculum by offering the following three options:
Option 1 – Monday & Tuesday Full Days and Wednesday Morning
Option 2 – Wednesday Afternoon and Thursday & Friday Full Days
Option 3 – Monday to Friday Mornings Only
Fees and Funding (from September 2024)
Please note that additional hours to any funded hours your child has are charged at £13.50 per 3 hour session (a.m or p.m)
Lunchtime sessions are charged at £4.00 per day
Invoices are sent out each month in advance and require immediate payment please via our online payment system ‘School Money’. There is also the option to pay via a PayPoint, please contact the school office for a barcode. Parents may also pay for sessions using Childcare Vouchers or the Government Tax Free Childcare Account.
We will ask you to sign a Nursery Contract when your child starts with us.
There are 15 Universal Hours available to all 3 and 4 year olds. However, you may also be eligible for 15 Additional Hours. This is subject to completion of an online application form and the fulfilment of various criteria. The application form can be found by the following link:
Click here for Gov.uk Childcare Support
Once you have completed the form, you will receive an acknowledgment e-mail. If you are eligible, you will then receive confirmation with an 11 digit code (beginning with 500) which you will then need to bring into school. We will need to see this code to confirm eligibility with the Early Years and Family Support Team at East Riding.
Stay and Play Visits
You and your child will be invited to attend a taster session prior to joining the nursery. This is a great opportunity for your child to become familiar with their new surroundings and our Early Years staff.
Contact Details
For any further information or any queries regarding our Nursery please call to speak to Mrs Whitehouse in the main office on 01482 648082 or alternatively you can send an email to l.whitehouse@ebor.academy or admin.asf@ebor.academy
We also have a Register an Interest form which you can collect from either of the school offices to complete for your child to attend our nursery before they reach 3 years old. We will then keep your details on file and contact you in due course.