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All Saints’ Church of England Federation of Academies

Governor Information and Duties (Updated: April 2023)

Rose Tyler [Chair of Governors]

My name is Rosemarie Tyler and I have lived in Hessle for over 20 years with my husband. I retired from local government work four years ago. My first job after leaving school was in a bank and I returned to banking after my two children started school. In 1993 I moved to local government, I worked in a number of departments and became a specialist in social security law and financial inclusion. My final post was as the manager of the council run drop in general advice service. Since retirement I have built up my links with the community and am honoured to be able to work to help support this fantastic school, the children, staff and parents.


Rev. Carol Tetley [Vice Chair of Governors]

Carol could be said to have the NHS in her veins!  For over 28 years from leaving university I have worked in NHS procurement, one of the many vital back-office functions the NHS needs.  For over 25 of those years I have been here in Hull based at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital.  A strong Christian faith has been important to me for many years.

Alongside this I, and importantly others, felt God was to call me first to Reader ministry and later to ordination and I was ordained in 2009, while continuing in full-time NHS employment.  Following the completion of my curacy I became a self-supporting Associate Minister at All Saints’ Church in Hessle in 2013, again still in full-time NHS employment.  Shortly afterwards I had an opportunity to join the hospital chaplaincy team at Hull initially as a volunteer then after due process as a full-time chaplain, when I left my procurement job for pastures new, albeit still in the hospitals.  Part of my chaplaincy work has included completing an MA in Health and Social Care Chaplaincy.

I have always greatly valued the opportunities education has given me throughout my life from school days to further education, an honours degree and then professional qualifications for procurement, to be followed by theological and ministry training, which continues to be on-going for continuing development.  I was excited to find one Federation, of two schools, when I arrived at All Saints’ church.

I have always seen it to be a real privilege to be alongside patients, staff, families and carers of all faith and none in the ups and downs, and twists and turns of life, and hospital life in particular, with all the hopes and dreams, fears, anxieties and goals and so on such journeys bring for everyone.  I hope to build on this within the Federation family.

When not contributing to the life of the hospitals or parish, including work as a Governor, I value time with family and friends, and  enjoy meeting and eating with them, the outdoors in gentle ways, playing bowls when able, cycling locally, and also making cards to sell good causes, finding meditation, relaxation, prayer and mindfulness in their making. 


Rev. Gemma Turner (to follow)


Nicola Loveridge  (to follow)

Governor NameType of GovernorDate of Term of OfficeDeclaration of InterestDesignated Governor Role
(e.g Staff/Trust Appointed/Parent)FromTo(Yes/No)
Mrs Rosemarie Tyler (Chair)Trust Appointed18/09/201917/09/2027NoSEND
Revd. Carol TetleyFoundation01/01/202001/01/2028NoSafeguarding
Revd. Gemma TurnerFoundation01/01/202031/12/2027NoWellbeing
Nicola LoveridgeTrust Appointed26/06/202326/06/2027No
Miss Laura JacksonExecutive Headteacher18/09/2019No
Zoey NewshamHead of School02/09/2024No
Ryan JacobszParent14/07/202413/07/2027NoHealth & Safety
Julia EleyParent14/07/202413/07/2027NoPupil Premium
VacancyFoundation Governor

Rebecca Lewis resigned as a governor 31.07.23

Rebecca Cooke resigned as a governor 01.04.24

Rebecca James resigned as a governor Spring 24

Claire Harrison resigned as a governor Summer 24


Governor Business Interests 22/23

Governor Meeting Attendance 22/23

Further information regarding Governance is available on the Ebor Academy Trust website by following this link

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Parent Governor Election

Deadline for applications – Wednesday 24th April 2024 at 4pm Please click on the links below for information and how to apply PG1 Letter for Parent nominations April 24 PG2 Academies – qualifications and disqualifications to serve as an academy Trustee or Governor