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Year 6 Jonah & the Whale Freeze Frames                                               Year 2 Learning about The Last Supper


RE Curriculum Intent

At All Saints’ CE Federation of Academies, we intend for our Religious Education curriculum to help children to acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity as well as other principal religions represented locally, nationally and globally. We aim for them to appreciate the way that religious beliefs shape our lives and our behaviour. Ultimately we intend for the children to develop their ability to hold balanced conversations with others so that they can participate positively in society.


They will learn to articulate clearly and coherently their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences; develop their ability to make reasoned and informed judgements; respect the rights of others to differ and develop tolerance. Pupils should gain and learn to use the skills needed to understand, interpret and evaluate texts, to enable them to respond to questions posed. 


RE is taught throughout the school in such a way to reflect the overall aims, values and philosophy of our school using our school vision which is underpinned by our  Christian values. RE plays an important role, along with other curriculum areas, particularly PSHE in promoting spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


RE Curriculum Implementation 

At All saints’ CE Federation of Academies, it has been agreed that having taken into account the requirements and guidelines presented in the East Riding Agreed Syllabus, the following religions have been selected for study:

  • Christianity – Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
  • Hinduism – Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
  • Islam – Key Stage 2


FS2 making their own Nativity Scenes                                                            Year 3 – The Unforgiving Servant Roleplay


The LA Agreed Syllabus can be accessed using the following link:

As well as following the East Riding Agreed Syllabus for RE, we also use the document ‘Understanding Christianity’ within our teaching. Understanding Christianity is a Church of England Education Office project, which has been created in partnership with Culham St. Gabriel’s, The Jerusalem Trust, The Sir Halley Stewart Trust and RE Today.


Although the schools are Church of England schools, there are no presumptions made as to the religious backgrounds and beliefs and values of the children and the staff. We value the religious backgrounds of all members of the school community and hope that this will encourage individuals to share their own experiences with others freely. All religions and their communities are treated with respect and sensitivity and we value the links, which are and can be made between home, school and a faith community. We acknowledge that each religion studied can contribute to the education of all our pupils. 


The long term plans for RE ensure progression in knowledge, understanding and skills for our children. The subject is closely monitored throughout the year by the RE Curriculum Team (Mrs Wright and Miss Parker) through book scrutinies, lesson drop-ins and pupil discussions.


RE Curriculum Impact

Through their RE learning, the children at All Saints’ CE Federation of Academies are able to make links between their own lives and those of others in their community and in the wider world.   Our school vision helps children become ‘RICHER’ learners who value the community of people around them.  RE offers our children the means by which to confidently understand how other people choose to live and to understand why they choose to live in that way.


RE Learning Links

BBC Bitesize is always free and has videos, lessons and games covering the whole curriculum. Suitable for EYFS, KS1 and KS2.


BBC Teach is free to use and provides many curriculum mapped videos. Suitable for EYFS, KS1 and KS2.


Primary Resources is always free and has powerpoints and worksheets covering the whole curriculum. Suitable for EYFS, KS1 and KS2.


The National Association of Teachers of Religious Education provides some free resources for primary aged pupils.


Barnabas in Schools is a professional education service provider offering some free RE resources for primary aged pupils.


RE Long Term Plan

Religious Education Policy 2023

Understanding RE for Parents and Carers – Information from East Riding Local Authority