At All Saints’ CE Federation we work hard to provide high quality physical education (PE) lessons and extra-curricular activities.
We deliver a wide range of PE to our pupils, with the aim to engage and inspire all of them. Our children participate in dance, gymnastics, swimming, athletics and team games all of which develop the important skills required for further sporting achievement.
Lessons are taught by our school teaching staff.
In April 2013 the Government announced new funding of £150 million pounds for PE and sport for schools.
‘Through the use of a new PE scheme of work, teachers are able to access high quality lesson plans and resources which are now implemented across the school. It has provided a clear sequence of skills, in order to allow teachers to deliver a better quality lesson. In turn, this enables more children to access the lesson, understanding the basics, and developing their skills, even if they haven’t tried them before. It then ensures progress to applying the skill within a game or match context. This builds the children’s confidence and allows them to develop further, bringing out the full potential of each and every child.’ – Statement by Mrs Palmer
Click below to see how we have spent our sports funding
Evidencing-the-Impact-of-the-Primary-PE-and-Sport-Premium All Saints Infants 2024
Evidencing-the-Impact-of-the-Primary-PE-and-Sport-Premium All Saints Juniors 2024
Evidencing-the-Impact-of-the-Primary-PE-and-Sport-Premium All Saints Infants 2023
Evidencing-the-Impact-of-the-Primary-PE-and-Sport-Premium All Saints Juniors 2023
ASI Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium July 2022
ASJ Evidencing-the-Impact-of-the-Primary-PE-and-Sport-Premium 2022
All children have access to the NEW sports equipment which has been purchased. They access it during playtime, lunchtime and during PE lessons. Children also go to various sports clubs which utilise the improved facilities. School Sports Partnership (SSP) – children have entered rugby, football, orienteering, athletics and swimming tournaments, through the SSP.
What has All Saints’ CE Federation chosen to spend the money on?
Quick overview
1 – Purchased play and sports equipment for both KS1 and KS2
2 – Acquired appropriate schemes of work and resources for both KS1 and KS2
3 – School Sports Partnership – who offer support, training and events
4 – A new PE kit for all children
5 – Playground Pals hats and tabards for Playground Leaders
6 – Sports pitch
7 – Improved play/sports area for KS1
Other useful information
Ofsted Inspectors will be assessing and reporting on how effectively the sport funding is being used to improve PE and sport provision within our school.