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Maths Intent Statement

At All Saints’ CE Federation, our mathematics curriculum is designed to nurture a love of learning and empower every child with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to succeed in mathematics. Our vision is that children will be fluent in the basic skills of mathematics including additive facts and multiplication facts. Grounded in the principles of the National Curriculum for England and aligned with the NCETM programme, we ensure a high-quality maths education that equips pupils with the tools to reason, problem-solve, and think mathematically.

In EYFS, we use a mastery approach to build strong foundations in number. Our focus is on developing secure knowledge of numbers to 10, exploring their composition, relationships, and patterns. Using practical resources such as ten frames, counters, and cubes, children gain a deep, hands-on understanding of maths. Maths is embedded across all areas of provision, both indoors and outdoors, enabling children to explore and apply mathematical concepts in meaningful, playful contexts. By the time they leave us in Year 6, children will have covered the topics of number, place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals and percentages, measurement, geometry, statistics. 

What does maths at All Saints’ CE Federation look like?

At All Saints’ CE Federation we use a mastery approach (we develop fluency without resorting to rote learning and enabling children to solve non-routine maths problems without having to memorise procedures) and the CPA (concrete, pictorial and abstract) Approach. Children are introduced to a new topic with concrete apparatus, they are then shown the new concept through visual representations and finally they move into the abstract. 

 Each lesson is delivered using a six part structure 

Memory Lane Children are given 5 minutes to complete 5 basic skills questions. Children answer a question linked to their previous unit of learning, their previous week’s learning, their previous day’s learning and their previous year’s learning. They then answer a question based on misconceptions within the class from that week’s learning. This ensures that children are recapping arithmetic skills regularly. 
Investigate  Children briefly use a skill which will feed into the maths lesson. They have the opportunity to explore this concept using concrete apparatus and pictorial representations if they wish to use these. 
Let’s Learn The children will be introduced to the objective of the maths lesson. 
Guided Practice Children will work with a partner to complete an activity linked to the maths lesson. The teacher will acknowledge during this time who the struggling learners are and provide these children with scaffolding for the session and also who the rapid graspers are and ensure that these children are challenged during the session. 
Independent Learning Children will work on an activity on their own. The questioning within the activity will get progressively harder and rapid graspers will be asked to start further down in the questioning in order to allow them to be challenged through reasoning and problem solving activities. All children will access reasoning and problem solving activities by the end of the lesson.
Plenary The aims of the lesson are reviewed and children’s learning is consolidated. 


Basic skills

Additive facts

By the end of year 1, children should know the answers to the additive facts within the ladder. They should not have to count on their fingers to answer these questions but should instead know the answers off by heart or be able to use a strategy to help them answer the question. By the end of year 2 all children should know the additive facts within the grid. Once children are confident with these facts, they will learn the subtraction facts which go with them. 

Times Tables

By the end of year 4, children should know all of their multiplication facts up to 12 x 12. All year four children have their multiplication skills formally tested in the Summer Term of Year 4. The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) was officially announced by the Department for Education (DFE) in September 2017. 

.How will the children be tested?

  • Children will be tested using an on-screen check (on a chrome book), where they will have to answer multiplication questions against the clock.
  • The test will last no longer than 5 minutes and is similar to other tests already used by primary schools. Their answers will be marked instantly.
  • Children will have 6 seconds to answer each question in a series of 25.
  • Questions will be selected from the 121 number facts that make up the multiplication tables from 2 to 12, with a particular focus on the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 times tables as they are considered to be the most challenging. Each question will only appear once in any 25-question series, and children won’t be asked to answer reversals of a question as part of the check (so if they’ve already answered 3 x 4 they won’t be asked about 4 x 3).
  • Once the child has inputted their answer on the computer / device they are using, there will be a three-second pause before the next question appears.

How can you help your children at home?

  • Completing their Times Tables Booklets in Years 3 and 4
  •  Using Numbots in Years 1 and 2 at home
  • Practicing using TT Rockstars at home, singing times tables songs, 
  • Practising times tables in order or in a song.
  • Playing games based around their additive facts and times tables facts 
  • Asking your child multiplication questions out of order – such as ‘What’s 11×12? What’s 5×6?’
  • Asking your child additive facts questions
  • Using arrays to help your child memorise times tables – you can use fun objects like Smarties or Lego bricks to make it more entertaining.

Useful websites this is a government funded body teaching for mastery maths. This can be used for all year groups and Number Blocks, which is used in EYFS can be found here

Calculation Policy

All Saints Federation Calculation Policy Multiplication and Division 2024

All Saints Federation Calculation Policy 2024

Click on the links below for year group objectives and progression of basic skills 

Maths Year Group Objectives

Progression of Basic Skills in Maths